
Sandiaga Is Very Ready To Provide Input To The Government Regarding The Indonesian Economic Policy Package

Tabloid Nasional . Candidate vice president number 02, Sandiaga Salahudin said he and Prabowo Subianto and the National Winning Body (BPN) were ready to provide input to the government regarding the 16th economic policy package that had just been released last week. Sandiaga said input from various parties regarding the policy package consisting of three items needed to be given because it gave uncertainty in the economic, business and investment climate in Indonesia. "Pak Prabowo and I think what input our party coalition can give to the government so that the economy does not get worse in the future, because indeed economic problems are indeed one of our focuses," Sandiaga said at the BPN post on Jalan Sriwijaya I, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21/2018). Sandiaga said that his party wanted to give real input to the Indonesian government under President Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla so that the condition of the Indonesian economy on the date of the 2019 Presiden...

The Indonesian Economy Will Not Be Badly Affected In This Political Year

Harian Press . Next year's political moment, namely the Legislative General Election (Pileg) and the Presidential Election (Pilpres), is considered not to have an impact on the Indonesian economy. Although a number of investors will wait and see or wait for political certainty before making an investment decision, the number of investors is not significant. Charta Politika Executive Director Yunarto Wijaya said there was no correlation between political events and economic performance. "What's more, don't associate with (investment) portfolios, it's small," Yunarto said at the Indonesia Investment Conference & Exhibition 2018 at the Ritz Carlton, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21). He revealed, the performance of the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) had dropped by more than 10% in 2008, 2013, 2015 and 2018. However, the drop in the JCI was caused by global factors. The 2008 crisis was caused by the financial crisis in the United States (US) which affected variou...

Sandiaga Uno: Economic Policy Package 16 Establishes Panic From the Government

Pojok Pos . Candidate candidate number 02 Sandiaga Uno stated the 16th economic policy package issued by the government last weekend as a form of panic. This policy package was issued because the Indonesian economy was in a bad condition. According to him, poor economic conditions were marked by the weak domestic industry exports. Moreover, Indonesia's investment is not good. "The 7 percent economic growth target, in fact, is only around 5 percent. Finally it was revised, "said Sandiaga in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21). "Because it is below the target, we know that the economic conditions are not in good condition." The issuance of the 16th economic policy package, he continued, precisely confused many parties. Because, the new formula produces a lot of confusion. This was because the government had mentioned that there were 54 business fields opening up for foreign investment through the relaxation of the Negative Investment List (DNI). Howev...

Sandiaga Uno Promises the Community, Will Make Affordable Living Costs

Kanal Utama . Candidate for Vice President number 02 Sandiaga Uno guarantees the availability of employment when he is elected later. Sandiaga also becomes the cost of living for the community and will also be more affordable. "We must make good quality work," Sandi said at the Indonesia Economic Forum at Shangri-La Hotel, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21/2018). In addition, it also promises a low cost of living. Thus the community is no longer complaining about expensive prices. "We have to make the cost of living affordable, especially for the lower middle class," Sandi said. These two things became campaign promises for pair number 02 with the aim of making the community prosperous. Sandi also said that he did not spread fear in his campaign. He only explained the problems that occurred and tried to overcome them. "Many politicians said that we spread fear of sadness, but not so. We only diagnosed that it was a reminder that in the first three months of our...

Coming to the Fish Market in Aceh, Sandiaga Uno: Quiet Economy, Traders Really Need Capital

Pojok Nasional . Vice President Sandiaga Uno visited fish market traders in Peunayong Market, Banda Aceh, Aceh. Sandiaga heard venturing traders who complained about the loneliness of the market and needed business capital. "We see the economy here, the complaints are a bit lonely and the traders, including Pak Samsul, Chairman of the Fish Market here, want capital. The operation is revitalized. Earlier I talked to Mrs. Anisah (fish trader) also here fish traders need around Rp 10 million as their working capital, "Sandiaga told reporters after visiting Peunayong Market, Banda Aceh, Tuesday (11/20/2018). Sandiaga will ensure capital assistance for the fish traders. Because, one way to improve the economy of the community, according to Sandiaga, is to facilitate access to capital. "This is what I will later ensure that there is capital assistance because one of the ways they improve the people's economy is that they get the right access to capital," Sandiaga expl...

This is the response to guarding about rumors that are frightened about the economy

Rakyat Utama . Vice President Sandiaga Uno dismissed the notion that his party spread economic fears. Sandiaga said economic problems were a matter of the nation. Sandiaga said their focus during this campaign period was economic problems. In addition, he continued, they wanted to make people more prosperous. "And how do they (the citizens) realize that. And like Mr. Prabowo mentioned this morning, like there is a paradox in this country and this is very hit with our current achievements, where we should be able to achieve that," Sandiaga said when he became speaker at the Indonesia Economic Forum 2018 at Sangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21/2018). Sandiaga stressed that his party already had a breakthrough plan related to the economic problem. Sandiaga then spoke about the presumption that they were spreading economic fears. "But we Prabowo-Sandi have a breakthrough plan, and if asked what the implementation is and the details, there are indeed many politicians wh...

Increase in BI Interest, Affects the Indonesian Economy 2019 and is Estimated to Only 5.1%

Rakyat Digital . For the umpteenth time, Bank Indonesia raised the BI 7 Days Repo rate to 6 percent on Thursday last week. Bank Mandiri Chief Economist Anton Gunawan said the increase in BI's benchmark interest rate would have an impact on 2019 economic growth to 5.1 percent, below the government's target of 5.3 percent. The slowdown was caused by limited investment due to the increase in BI's benchmark interest rate. "We see that there is tightening. Because the benchmark interest rose, there was little impact, "he said to after the Indonesia Investment Conference & Exhibition 2018 at the Ritz-Carlton, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21). He estimates that global liquidity will decrease, affecting foreign investment, or foreign direct investment (FDI). On the other hand, the government's efforts to attract foreign investors still need a transition period of half a year. Meanwhile, household consumption is also expected to be affected by the increase...

Prabowo-Password Will Redeem Jokowi's Failure Especially in the Economic Sector

Channel Rakyat . The Prabowo-Sandiaga pair promises, if elected as president and vice president 2019-2024, it will focus on the economic sector which is felt to be failed in the current government. This was stated by a senior economist who was also a member of the BPN Prabowo-Sandiaga, Dradjad Wibowo. According to him, there are three things in the economic sector that are very poorly performing in the current government. "Jokowi's economic team is very bad because it failed to realize Mr Jokowi's promises," Dradjad said when talking with CNBC Indonesia on Monday (11/19/2018). First, economic growth is set in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) of 7% in five years of leadership. In recent years, the realization of national economic growth has proven to only grow 5% or far from projections pegged at the beginning of the government. Second, failure to maintain stability. Dradjad said that the failure could be seen from the movement of the rupiah exchange r...

Become the Most Committed and Honest City of the KPK Version, This is Walkot Aceh's Opinion

Buletin Nasional . The KPK released the results of the Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) on ministries / agencies and local governments. The city of Banda Aceh received the highest integrity index, namely 77.39. What did the City Government say related to this assessment? "Although we are ranked first nationally and above the average level of local government and ministry, but the value is not yet 100. There are still many things we must improve," said Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman, Thursday (11/22/2018). According to him, the Banda Aceh City Government will focus more on the budget system and good governance. This was also reminded by KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo. "Everything must be in accordance with the SOP and the applicable legislation," he said. "Integrity is a very basic capital in the creation of good governance. So, what is good, we maintain and in the future we will continue to improve again," said Aminullah. As is known, the Government of Band...

Planning to Implement ERP for Motorbikes, said the DKI Provincial Government

Poros Nasional . Electronic road pricing (ERP) programs will not only be required for four-wheeled vehicles or more, but also for two-wheeled vehicles. The technical testing process is being prepared by three companies participating in the auction. "In this document (offer) is still stated yes. Required to be a part that is evaluated for two wheels," said Acting Head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Service Sigit Wijatmoko in the DKI Jakarta DPRD on Thursday (11/22/2018). Sigit said the DKI Provincial Government was drafting a Regional Regulation on ERP with the DKI Jakarta DPRD. In the regulation, the plan will be included in the motorbike and cancel the Governor Regulation Number 25 of 2017 concerning Motor Vehicle Restriction Through the Electronic Paid Road System which prohibits motorbikes from passing. "We want to make a local regulation, already entered (Bapemperda) of the Regional Regulation Establishment Agency," Sigit explained. Sigit said that ERP tariffs ar...

SD di Sulbar Yang Berdinding Papan dan Beralas Tanah ini Kurang Perhatian Dari Pemerintah Setempat

Tabloid Nasional . Masih banyak sekolah yang luput dari perhatian. Salah satunya kelas jauh SDN 044 Riso, Dusun Tondopata, Desa Riso, Kecamatan Tapango, Sulawesi Barat (Sulbar). Sejak didirikan secara swadaya oleh warga setempat pada akhir 2008, gedung sekolah kelas jauh ini belum sekali pun tersentuh perhatian pemerintah. Padahal, dari hari ke hari, kondisi bangunan sekolah yang berbahan kayu itu semakin memprihatinkan. "Sampai sekarang belum pernah ada bantuan. Bangunan dan keperluan murid untuk belajar semuanya swadaya warga," kata tokoh masyarakat Sapriadi kepada, Kamis (22/11/2018). Sekolah kelas jauh ini sengaja dibangun warga untuk memudahkan anak-anak di daerah ini guna memperoleh pendidikan. Jarak menuju sekolah induk yang mencapai 3,5 kilometer dan ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki. Alhasil, hal itu menjadi alasan banyaknya anak usia sekolah dasar di Dusun Tondopata putus sekolah. "Itu sebabnya warga di dusun ini sangat mengharapkan perhat...

Donation for Central Sulawesi Charity Wallet to Help Has Reached Rp. 9.1M

Harian Press . Assistance for victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) continued to flow, including through the Charity Transmedia Wallet. Until now, donations have reached Rp. 9.17 billion. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) recorded 2,081 people died as a result of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu City, Donggala Regency and Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018. In addition, BNPB also recorded 1,309 missing people. More than 200 thousand people fled at various points. Disaster status Central Sulawesi is now an emergency transition to recovery. The Transmedia Big Family is grieving over the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Central Sulawesi and joined in opening the TRALSMEDIA WALLET to ease the burden on our brothers. Until Wednesday (11/21/2018) at 5:00 p.m. WIB, donations collected amounted to IDR 9,175,578,807. Transmedia still opens the door for donations for readers who want to channel assistance to our...